Fine Free Frequently Asked Questions – click here
The Rhinelander District Library (RDL) has eliminated fines for nearly all materials, and most existing fines will be removed from RDL patron accounts. RDL eliminated most fines on Children’s Department items in 2019, and now most fines will be eliminated on items in the Adult/Young Adult Departments as well.
Exceptions include Library of Things, electronic equipment, kits, and new materials in the adult/young adult collections. These items will still accrue late fines.
RDL expects patrons to continue returning all items when due or to renew them, as necessary. Patrons will still be financially responsible for lost and damaged materials. If something is more than 50 days overdue, it will be considered lost and charged accordingly.
Libraries across the country have eliminated fines as they were never intended as a punishment for non-return of library materials. Fines were originally put in place to recoup the costs of sending reminders, which is now done electronically. Fines also present a barrier to children, those with disabilities, and those on fixed incomes, some of the very people who need the library the most.
Late fines have been steadily decreasing in the last ten years and represent less than one quarter of one percent of the library’s annual operating budget. Therefore, with only a minimal financial impact on the library, eliminating fines will increase library access for the entire community.